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Your “Super Clean” Diet May be Tanking Your Testosterone

🏋️‍♀️ Athletes who adopt a “super clean” diet in an attempt to build muscle mass may find their attempts backfire. 

Posted in Uncategorized

The Nuance of Language: Exercise Edition

How do you talk about exercise around your kids? Here are some helpful reminders as the holidays come around. Exercising

Posted in Exercise, Holiday Eating

Scattergories Activity: A-Z

Nutrition Lesson Plan for Joyful Movement with Kids Objectives: To understand the benefits of movement To experience joyful movement To

Posted in Exercise, Uncategorized

The Nuance of Language During ED Recovery

In a diet-obsessed, “wellness-infused” world, there are nuances of language that cause harm to patients in eating disorder recovery.  The

Posted in Eating Disorders

The Return to Sports After Eating Disorder Treatment

It is often heartbreaking when a medical doctor deems it “unsafe” for someone with an eating disorder to continue in

Posted in Eating Disorders, Exercise Tagged with: , ,
Free ‘Joyful Movement’ Exercise

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