Welcome to Sterling Nutrition
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are complex and making changes can be overwhelming. Using a collaborative, family based approach, we will work together on nutritional rehabilitation while rebuilding your relationship with food. I don’t believe in dieting but will help you to achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
Sports Nutrition
Are you looking to be a better athlete - to be faster, stronger, or to have more energy? Specifically, are you looking to be faster, more explosive, and to have more stamina? If so, a comprehensive nutrition sports consultation is essential for reaching that “next level.”
“But I don’t feel hungry…”
We often hear our patients expressing that they don’t feel hungry. Hunger cues can often be suppressed for many reasons…

Founder Sterling Nutrition
Wendy Sterling
Wendy Sterling, MS, RD, CSSD, CEDS-S is an Eating Disorder Expert and Sports Dietitian. She is the co-founder of the Plate-by-Plate Approach®, a groundbreaking method for eating disorder recovery used in over 36 countries. Wendy has worked with elite sports teams, including the Oakland A’s, Golden State Warriors, and NY Jets. As a sought-after speaker and co-author of several acclaimed books, she empowers individuals, families, and athletes to foster positive relationships with food and their bodies.
Latest Books
How to Nourish Yourself Through an Eating Disorder
Recovery for Adults with the Plate-by-Plate Approach®
by Wendy Sterling and Casey Crosbie
For many people, thinking about food is just one small part of their day. But for those struggling with an eating disorder (ED), these thoughts take over and leave them desperately asking, “How can I eat normally again?” Dietitians Wendy Sterling and Casey Crosbie have the answer: the Plate-by-Plate Approach, a no-numbers, visual method that teaches readers how to restore their relationship with food using only a ten-inch plate. This approach works across all eating disorder diagnoses—in conjunction with medical and psychological treatment—and helps individuals break free from the physical and psychological traps of an eating disorder, learn how to plate meals and snacks without measuring or counting, heal their relationship with their body and repair their body image, eat flexibly, paving the way to intuitive eating and a renewed sense of joy around food.

How to Nourish Your Child Through an Eating Disorder
A Simple, Plate-by-Plate Approach to Rebuilding a Healthy Relationship with Food
by Casey Crosbie and Wendy Sterling.
Parents of kids who are struggling with an eating disorder (ED)—including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, and many more that go undiagnosed—quickly find themselves at a loss as to how to feed their child and ensure they are receiving adequate nutrition. Now, registered dietitians Casey Crosbie and Wendy Sterling present their innovative and easy-to-implement visual approach that demonstrates balanced meals with the optimal ratio of nutrients—designed to set kids and teens on a path toward permanent recovery.

Raising Body Positive Teens:
A Parent's Guide to
Diet-Free Living, Exercise and Body Image
by Signe Darpinian, Wendy Sterling, and Shelley Aggarwal
In a world fraught with diet-culture and weight stigma, many parents worry about their child’s relationship with their body and food. This down-to-earth guide is an invaluable resource allowing parents to take proactive actions in promoting a friendship with food, and preventative actions to minimize the risk factors for the development of eating disorders, particularly when early signs of disordered eating, excessive exercise, or body dissatisfaction have been noticed. It provides clear strategies and tools with a practical focus to gently encourage parents and teens to have a healthy relationship with food and exercise by centralizing joy and health.

No Weigh! A Teen's Guide to Positive Body Image, Food, and Emotional Wisdom
by Signe Darpinian, Wendy Sterling, and Shelley Aggarwal
This workbook has everything you need to achieve connected eating, body positivity and balanced exercise. It will help you stay well informed about how bodies change emotionally and physically in the teen years, and why good nutrition is critical for growth and development. It debunks any myths about diets and ‘forbidden’ foods and also gives you the tools and strategies to avoid potential triggers of disordered eating.
No Weigh! A Teen’s Guide to Positive Body Image, Food, and Emotional Wisdom will help you develop a lifelong healthy relationship with your food! We eat every day, so why not eat with pleasure, joy and happiness?

Need meal and snack ideas?
Celebrating the 6 year anniversary of No Weigh! with a 20% discount on the @JKPBooks US site: https://us.jkp.com/discount/NOWEIGH20?redirect=%2Fproducts%2Fno-weigh