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Why Choose a Sports Drink?

When activity is over an hour, you can extend performance by fueling with “easy-to-digest” carbohydrates “during” a workout. 

Aim for:

30-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour of activity is …

Posted in Exercise, Sports Nutrition Tagged with: , , , , , ,

Are You Struggling with Muscle Cramps?

Exercise-associated muscle cramps can result from a variety of factors affecting the neuromuscular system. If these occur for you, take a look at the following factors to investigate why. To tackle …

Posted in Exercise, Sports Nutrition Tagged with: , , , ,

Rest Day Nutrition

Many have been told to “eat less” or to “avoid carbs” on a rest day. But on a rest days, the body is busy! Rest days are filled with healing, …

Posted in Exercise, Sports Nutrition, Uncategorized

Athletes and Eating Disorder Recovery

By Carly Reid, former UCLA Swimmer and Eating Disorder Advocate.

It isn’t a surprise that athletes have extremely competitive tendencies. We will go the extra mile, hour, or training session …

Posted in Eating Disorders, Exercise, Sports Nutrition

Why Athletes Should Rest

For all athletes, rest is important. Athletes looking to get better may falsely think that adding a second training session in the same day will advance their training.  According to …

Posted in Eating Disorders, Exercise, Sports Nutrition
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