Blog Archives

Are “Safe Foods” Keeping Your Eating Disorder Alive? ⁠

For some people, “safe foods,” might be foods that feel “good” or “healthy.” They may be consumed in a repetitive way, day in and day out, without deviation. Safe foods …

Posted in Eating Disorders, Relationship with Food

Why Does My Child Crave Sugar?

I speak with a lot of #parents who tell me that they they have a child who eats “tons of sugar” or who has “no control.” Going deeper, I most …

Posted in Relationship with Food

Moving Beyond Brown Rice: What is Orthorexia?

By Wendy Sterling, MS, RD, CSSD 

This post is an adapted excerpt from Wendy Sterling’s book in progress, “How to Nourish Your Child Through an Eating Disorder:  A Simple,

Posted in Eating Disorders, Relationship with Food
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