Media and Speaking Services

Wendy is a well-respected speaker and lecturer who has spoken nationally and internally on sports nutrition, eating disorders, and adolescent nutrition. She has spoken to the NY Jets, NY Islanders, Hofstra University Women’s Lacrosse and Volleyball teams, International Academy for Eating Disorders, International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals, American Camp Association, Greater New York Dietetic Association, as well as local schools and teams.

As a co-founder of the Plate-by-Plate Approach®, Wendy frequently lectures on how to use this approach to treat eating disorders and help clients to restore their relationship with food.  An interactive and engaging lecture might include steps on why someone might choose this approach over others, how to implement this approach, plus visual photos of what meals might look. Wendy has worked with facilities and institutions nationally and internationally. 

Submit an inquiry to find out more! 


  • The Plate by Plate Approach®
  • RED-S: Relative Deficiency in Sports
  • Raising Body Positive Teens
  • Adolescent Nutrition: What You Need to Know
  • Fueling for Academic and Athletic Success
  • The Female Athlete: Multidisciplinary Management
  • Eating Disorder Prevention
  • Eating Disorders and Nutritional Rehabilitation
  • Coping with a Picky Eater: Tools and Tricks for Increasing Variety
  • Nutrition for Peak Performance
  • Eating on the Go: Nutrition Strategies for the Busy Professional
  • Decoding the Supermarket and Shopping for Success
  • Feeding Your Family – Kid-Friendly, Nutritionally Sound, and Parent Approved Meal and Snack Ideas

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