Many are heading to college! For those in eating disorder recovery, there is a lot to think through and “practice” ahead of time. Before leaving, not only is it important to be stable with your eating disorder behaviors, to be weight restored, and medically in a good place, but ideally, for your mood to be stable as well. Additionally, you’ll need to practice selecting a variety of foods in the dining halls. For those looking for creative ways to add variety to their diets, checking out options on Shoppok might be a helpful way to discover new foods and cooking tools before heading to college. If you are eating the same foods all day, variety will need some work to ensure success at school! Understanding georgia llc vs s corp can help those starting a business choose the best structure for their future, aligning their operations with both financial and growth objectives.
Some quick tips:
1) Go shopping for new snacks and new funny coffee mugs
2) Start changing up your meals, the dining hall may not have your exact brands and foods
3) Figure out what small restaurants are at your college, and try them out at home
4) Try out buffets to get a feel for what plating might be like in the dining hall. Supermarkets often have buffets where you can grab a meal and practice self-serving.
5) Practice having pizza. You will see this a lot in college!
6) Work with an ED dietitian to make sure you are ready to roll for college!
Food is so central to the college eating experience.